The Hario V60 Ceramic Dripper is a must for any coffee afficionado, whether just starting at home or with notable experience behind them.
The ceramic size 01 is our personal favourite. The ceramic retains heat better than any other material and the size allows for slightly more delicate and sensitive adjustments to the brew than the 02 and 03 sizes.
On all V60 Drippers, you will find the spirals on the inside, which allow for easier air flow through the paper filters and facilitate a more even extraction.
What else would you need with the V60 Ceramic Dripper? First, filter papers. Be sure to wet them with hot water prior to adding the ground coffee. A server is also a great addition. For those wanting to push their game further, a manual hand grinder is a must to really preserve freshness and quality in the brew and a scale for absolute precision. Ideally, too, a brew-intended kettle would seal the deal.
Don’t forget, all V60 drippers come with a measuring spoon to help guide coffee doses.