Planning to make Cold Brew at home? Whether it is with the Filter-in Coffee Bottle or the MIZUDASHI, you can get great results.
The MIZUDASHI comes in two sizes: small (600ml – 2-3 cups) and large (1 litre – 4-5 cups); and two colours (black/red).
This device is easy-to-use and clean, reusable, heat-resistant and dishwasher safe.
How do you then make Cold Brew? Well, it’s simple: coarsely-ground coffee with water immersed for a long period of time. How do you make mouth-watering mind-blowing Cold Brew? Well that’s a harder question to answer and depends a lot on the beans used. The variables we play with at the roastery include: coffee-to-water ratio (i.e. how much coffee and how much water), turbulence (i.e. stirring/shaking), water quality (i.e. what water are you using and what is the mineral content), duration (i.e. how long will you let it brew), water temperature (i.e. fridge or no fridge; what is the initial water temperature) and, lastly yet most importantly, don’t forget to consider the beans you’re using!
If you would like to learn more about how to make Cold Brew, get in touch with us!